
Rt Hon. Alan Milburn

The Right Honourable Alan Milburn was a Member of the UK Parliament for Darlington between 1992 and 2010.  During his time in UK politics, he earned a reputation for being a radical reformer as part of Prime Minister Tony Blair’s government.  He served as Chief Secretary to the Treasury (1998-99), where he had responsibility for all aspects of public expenditure and the development of public-private partnerships.  As Secretary of State for Health (1999-2003), he led a radical reform programme of health and social care services, including the creation of a managed market within the NHS, autonomous NHS Foundation Trusts, choice for patients and devolution of decision-making.  As Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (2004-05), he was responsible for coordinating and developing government policy across all departments working directly with the Prime Minister and running Labour’s successful 2005 general election campaign.

After retiring from politics at the general election in 2010, he was appointed by Prime Minister David Cameron to review and report on child poverty and social mobility, becoming Chair of the Commission on Social Mobility (2012-17).  

In his post-politics life, he has a successful business career.  His advisory business has corporate and government clients across the world.  He is senior advisor to PwC’s government and health industries practice, to the leading private equity business Bridge point and to Mars Incorporated.  He serves on a number of other corporate boards and chairs Huma the digital health business.  

He is Chancellor of Lancaster University, one of the UK’s leading higher education institutions and undertakes work for a number of charities including the Yorkshire Sculpture Park where he is vice-chair and the Social Mobility Foundation which he chairs.

 He is also a long-suffering Newcastle United fan.